Trace Completion API

Created:2023-10-04 Last Modified:2024-06-24

This document was translated by ChatGPT

#1. Introduction

APM focuses on the code level and lacks the ability to view issues from a full-stack, multi-dimensional perspective without blind spots. Additionally, due to the hindrance of instrumentation, it often fails to cover all services. DeepFlow relies on eBPF zero-instrumentation to fully capture distributed tracing data and generate call chains. In scenarios where DeepFlow and APM are deployed independently, they can collaborate in a loosely coupled manner by using DeepFlow's Trace Completion API to enhance APM's call chains, eliminating blind spots in APM for cloud-native infrastructure and non-instrumented services, significantly reducing the time for triage.

Before introducing the API, let's use a diagram to explain the data that APM can complete after calling the DeepFlow API.

Full Stack Distributed Tracing

Full Stack Distributed Tracing

  • In the diagram, Spans starting with A represent application Spans (from APM); those starting with S represent system Spans (from DeepFlow); and those starting with N represent network Spans (from DeepFlow).
  • The black parts in the diagram are the input parameters for APM calling the DeepFlow API. DeepFlow will use these application Spans as search boundaries to complete the surrounding system/network Spans and reconstruct the Parent-Child relationships.
  • The blue parts in the diagram are application Spans injected with TraceID/SpanID in the protocol from APM, and the system/network Spans calculated based on them. These complete the kernel system calls and network transmission paths such as Syscall, Bridge, and IPVS between two services for APM.
  • The green parts in the diagram are basic service calls automatically traced by DeepFlow's system Spans, such as non-instrumented DNS calls and MySQL calls, Redis calls, etc., where TraceID/SpanID cannot be injected.
  • The red parts in the diagram are upstream and downstream services automatically traced by DeepFlow's system Spans, such as non-instrumented ALB, NLB, Ingress gateway services, and other services in the business logic that APM has not instrumented.

#2. API Description

Get the DeepFlow service endpoint port number:

port=$(kubectl get --namespace deepflow -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services deepflow-app)

Trace Completion API call method:

curl -XPOST "http://${deepflow_server_node_ip}:${port}/v1/stats/querier/tracing-completion-by-external-app-spans"

#2.1 Input Parameters Description

  "max_iteration": 30,
  "network_delay_us": 3000000,
      "trace_id": "xxxx",
      "span_id": "xxxx",
      "parent_span_id": "xxxx",
      "span_kind": 0,
      "start_time_us": 1681960139619998,
      "end_time_us": 1681960139620004,
Field Type Required Description
max_iteration int No Depth of system Span tracing, default is 30, unit: layers
network_delay_us int No Time span for network Span tracing, default is 3000000, unit: microseconds
app_spans array[AppSpans] Yes List of application Spans to complete the call chain, can be all application Spans in a complete Trace (not recommended)

app_spans are usually part of the application Spans of a Trace in APM. DeepFlow completes based on this. It is recommended to carry the following Spans for each call:

  • The most concerned application Span (hereinafter referred to as X), and the service it belongs to is called a
  • The ancestor Spans of X, until the first ancestor Span that is not service a is found, for example, in SkyWalking, it is the first ancestor Span of type Exit
  • The descendant Spans of X, each branch until the first descendant Span that is not service a is found, for example, in SkyWalking, it is the first descendant Span of type Entry for each branch

The purpose of carrying these Spans in the request is to inform DeepFlow to complete around Span X and reconstruct the parent-child relationships of all Spans in the returned result with the ancestors and descendants of X as boundaries. The specific parameters required for each app_span are as follows:

Field Type Required Description
trace_id string Yes TraceID of the application Span
span_id string Yes SpanID of the application Span
parent_span_id string Yes ParentSpanID of the application Span
span_kind int Yes Span type of the application Span, same meaning as in OpenTelemetry, optional values: 0: unspecified, 1: internal, 2: server, 3: client, 4: producer, 5: consumer
start_time_us int Yes Start time of the application Span, unit: microseconds
end_time_us int Yes End time of the application Span, unit: microseconds

#2.2 Output Parameters Description

    "DESCRIPTION": "",
    "DATA": {
      "tracing": [
          "start_time_us": 1682216627824419,
          "end_time_us": 1681960139620004,
          "name": "querier_client",
          "signal_source": 4,
          "tap_side": "c-app",
          "trace_id": "a03a848c3121b817b0e866fb71607bc2",
          "span_id": "d5b574eb7ac48503",
          "parent_span_id": "69cc875250b4043c",
          "deepflow_span_id": "d5b574eb7ac48503",
          "deepflow_parent_span_id": "69cc875250b4043c",
          "_ids": ["7225065397752915120"],
          "related_ids": [
          "flow_id": "0",
          "duration": 32219,
          "req_tcp_seq": 0,
          "resp_tcp_seq": 0,
          "l7_protocol": 20,
          "l7_protocol_str": "HTTP",
          "request_type": "POST",
          "request_resource": "xxxx",
          "response_status": 2,
          "request_id": "xxxx",
          "endpoint": "querier_client",
          "process_id": 1234,
          "app_service": "deepflow-statistics",
          "app_instance": "",
          "x_request_id": "",
          "syscall_trace_id_request": "0",
          "syscall_trace_id_response": "0",
          "syscall_cap_seq_0": 0,
          "syscall_cap_seq_1": 0,
          "vtap_id": 1,

The tracing in the returned result is the complete Spans traced by DeepFlow, which is an array. Each item in the array is a Span, including both application Spans from APM and system/network Spans from DeepFlow. Important attributes of each Span are:

Field Type Description
start_time_us int Start time of the Span, unit: microseconds
end_time_us int End time of the Span, unit: microseconds
duration int Execution time of the Span, unit: microseconds
name string Name of the Span, system/network Spans correspond to DeepFlow's request_resource field description
signal_source int Source of the Span, corresponding to DeepFlow's signal_source field description
tap_side int Span statistics location, corresponding to DeepFlow's tap_side field description
trace_id string TraceID, if system/network Span has a corresponding application Span, it is the value of the corresponding application Span; otherwise, the value is empty
span_id string Original Span ID, if system/network Span has a corresponding application Span, it is the value of the corresponding application Span; otherwise, the value is empty
parent_span_id string Original parent Span ID, if system/network Span has a corresponding application Span, it is the value of the corresponding application Span; otherwise, the value is empty
deepflow_span_id string Span ID recalculated by DeepFlow
deepflow_parent_span_id string Parent Span ID recalculated by DeepFlow

In addition, the API will return some extra fields for each Span:

Field Type Description Remarks
_ids array DeepFlow call logs corresponding to the Span
related_ids int Other DeepFlow call logs related to the Span
flow_id string DeepFlow flow logs corresponding to the Span, no data for application/system Spans
l7_protocol int Application protocol of the Span, corresponding to DeepFlow's l7_protocol field description
l7_protocol_str string Application protocol of the Span
request_type string Request type of the Span
request_id string Request ID of the Span
endpoint string Request endpoint of the Span
request_resource string Request resource of the Span
response_status int Response status of the Span, corresponding to DeepFlow's response_status field description
process_id int Process ID to which the Span belongs, only system Spans have data
app_service string Service to which the Span belongs, only application Spans have data
app_instance string Instance to which the Span belongs, only application Spans have data
vtap_id int Collector ID corresponding to the Span
req_tcp_seq int TCP Seq corresponding to the Span request, only system/network Spans have data Used for tracing calculation
resp_tcp_seq int TCP Seq corresponding to the Span response, only system/network Spans have data Used for tracing calculation
x_request_id string X-Request-ID of the Span request or response, only system/network Spans have data Used for tracing calculation
syscall_trace_id_request string Syscall TraceID corresponding to the Span request, only system Spans have data Used for tracing calculation
syscall_trace_id_response string Syscall TraceID corresponding to the Span response, only system Spans have data Used for tracing calculation
syscall_cap_seq_0 string Syscall Seq corresponding to the Span request, only system Spans have data Used for tracing calculation
syscall_cap_seq_1 string Syscall Seq corresponding to the Span response, only system Spans have data Used for tracing calculation


  • The new parent-child relationships of Spans in the returned result need to be constructed using the deepflow_span_id and deepflow_parent_span_id fields.
  • TraceID/SpanID injected into the protocol after application instrumentation can be automatically parsed and collected by the Agent. By default, it is adapted to the Header format of OpenTelemetry and SkyWalking. If there are custom Headers, please modify the Agent configuration. For details, refer to Agent Advanced Configuration.