Created:2024-06-01 Last Modified:2024-06-24

This document was translated by ChatGPT

#1. MySQL

By parsing the MySQL (opens new window) protocol, the fields of MySQL Request/Response are mapped to the corresponding fields in l7_flow_log. The mapping relationship is shown in the table below:

Tag Field Mapping Table, the following table only includes fields with mapping relationships

Category Name Chinese Request Header Response Header Description
Req. version 协议版本 -- -- --
request_type 请求类型 Command -- For supported commands, see [1]
request_domain 请求域名 -- -- --
request_resource 请求资源 Statement or COM_STMT_EXECUTE -- For parsing COM_STMT_EXECUTE, see [4]
request_id 请求 ID Statement ID Statement ID Extracted from COM_STMT_PREPARE response, COM_STMT_EXECUTE request
endpoint 端点 -- -- --
Resp. response_code 响应码 -- Error Code --
response_status 响应状态 -- Error Code Normal: non-ERR messages; Client/Server exceptions, see [2]
response_exception 响应异常 -- Error Message --
response_result 响应结果 -- -- --
Trace trace_id TraceID SQL Comments -- TraceID extraction from comments, see [3]
span_id SpanID SQL Comments -- TraceID extraction from comments, see [3]
x_request_id X-Request-ID -- -- --
Misc. -- -- -- -- --
  • [2] Client exceptions: Error Code=2000-2999, or client sends 1-999; Server exceptions: Error Code=1000-1999/3000-4000, or server sends 1-999.
  • [3] When the application injects TraceID (or composite TraceID + SpanID) in SQL statement comments, DeepFlow supports extraction for cross-thread distributed tracing. DeepFlow supports extracting from almost any position in SQL comments (but must appear in the first packet captured by AF_PACKET or the first Socket Data captured by eBPF); key-value pairs in comments can be separated by colon : and space , or by equals sign = and comma , but note that fields cannot contain colons or equals signs.
  • [4] Extracting parameters in COM_STMT_EXECUTE cannot enable the collector's advanced configuration obfuscate-enabled-protocols; parameters will be concatenated with space+comma+space (e.g., 123 , abc) and assigned to request_resource; parameter parsing errors may occur due to out-of-order, packet loss, retransmission, truncation, etc.
    /* your_trace_key: 648840f6-7f92-468b-b298-d38f05c541d4 */ SELECT col FROM tbl
    SELECT /* your_trace_key: 648840f6-7f92-468b-b298-d38f05c541d4 */ col FROM tbl
    SELECT col FROM tbl # your_trace_key: 648840f6-7f92-468b-b298-d38f05c541d4
    SELECT col FROM tbl -- your_trace_key: 648840f6-7f92-468b-b298-d38f05c541d4
    SELECT col FROM tbl # your_trace_key=648840f6-7f92-468b-b298-d38f05c541d4
    Nevertheless, we strongly recommend adding comments at the beginning of SQL statements to reduce the performance overhead of SQL parsing. In the examples above, your_trace_key depends on the value of http_log_trace_id in the Agent configuration (but note that if using traceparent / sw8 / uber-trace-id, please follow the protocol specifications of OpenTelemetry (opens new window) / SkyWalking (opens new window) / Jaeger (opens new window)). For example, when http_log_trace_id = traceparent, sw8, DeepFlow can extract TraceID and SpanID conforming to OpenTelemetry specifications from 00-4bf92f3577b34da6a3ce929d0e0e4736-00f067aa0ba902b7-01:
    /* traceparent: 00-4bf92f3577b34da6a3ce929d0e0e4736-00f067aa0ba902b7-01 */ SELECT col FROM tbl

Note, the following are one-way messages and will be directly saved as type=session call logs:


Metrics Field Mapping Table, the following table only includes fields with mapping relationships

Name Chinese Request Response Description
request 请求 -- -- Number of Requests
response 响应 -- -- Number of Responses
sql_affected_rows SQL 影响行数 -- OK packet's Affected Rows --
log_count 日志总量 -- -- --
error 异常 -- -- Client exceptions + Server exceptions
client_error 客户端异常 -- ERROR CODE Refer to the description of Tag field response_code
server_error 服务端异常 -- ERROR CODE Refer to the description of Tag field response_code
error_ratio 异常比例 -- -- Errors / Responses
client_error_ratio 客户端异常比例 -- -- Client errors / Responses
server_error_ratio 服务端异常比例 -- -- Server errors / Responses

#2. PostgreSQL

By parsing the PostgreSQL (opens new window) protocol, the fields of PostgreSQL Request/Response are mapped to the corresponding fields in l7_flow_log. The mapping relationship is shown in the table below:

Tag Field Mapping Table, the following table only includes fields with mapping relationships

Category Name Chinese Request Header Response Header Description
Req. version 协议版本 -- -- --
request_type 请求类型 char tag -- Only regular messages
request_domain 请求域名 -- -- --
request_resource 请求资源 payload -- Only regular messages
request_id 请求 ID -- -- --
endpoint 端点 -- -- --
Resp. response_code 响应码 -- -- --
response_status 响应状态 -- Error Code Normal: non-error return messages; Client/Server exceptions, see [1]
response_exception 响应异常 -- Error Code English description (opens new window) of Error Code
response_result 响应结果 -- Error Code Only error return messages
Trace trace_id TraceID -- -- --
span_id SpanID -- -- --
x_request_id X-Request-ID -- -- --
Misc. -- -- -- -- --
  • [1] Error code classification
    • Client exceptions: Error Code=03/0A/0B/0F/0L/0P/20/22/23/26/2F/34/3D/3F/42
    • Server exceptions: Error Code=08/09/0Z/21/24/25/27/28/2B/2D/38/39/3B/40/44/53/54/55/57/5/72/F0/HV/P0/XX

Metrics Field Mapping Table, the following table only includes fields with mapping relationships

Name Chinese Request Response Description
request 请求 -- -- Number of Requests
response 响应 -- -- Number of Responses
sql_affected_rows SQL 影响行数 -- command complete packet's Affected Rows --
log_count 日志总量 -- -- --
error 异常 -- -- Client exceptions + Server exceptions
client_error 客户端异常 -- Error Code Refer to the description of Tag field response_code
server_error 服务端异常 -- Error Code Refer to the description of Tag field response_code
error_ratio 异常比例 -- -- Errors / Responses
client_error_ratio 客户端异常比例 -- -- Client errors / Responses
server_error_ratio 服务端异常比例 -- -- Server errors / Responses