Overview Chart

Created:2024-04-09 Last Modified:2024-09-23

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#1. Overview Chart

The overview chart displays statistical values based on query conditions.

#1.1 Overview Introduction



#1.1.1 Overview Chart

The overview chart editing box consists of three parts: ① Chart, ② Search Conditions, and ③ Style and Settings.

01-Overview Chart

01-Overview Chart

  • ① Chart: The chart is drawn based on ② Search Conditions and ③ Style and Settings
  • ② Search Conditions: For the usage of search conditions, please refer to the section Search
  • ③ Style and Settings: Set the style, color, etc., of the chart
    • Style: Rich functionalities to support style settings for the chart
      • Title: Supports modifying the chart name
      • Unit: Supports editing the unit. If no unit is set, the default unit of the metric will be used
      • Data Precision: Supports setting the decimal places for displaying data
        • 1 decimal place, 2 decimal places, 3 decimal places, integer, full precision (displays all decimals of the metric)
      • Color: Supports setting the color of the font, background, and background image
    • Settings:
      • Background Image: Supports displaying a line chart or bar chart of the metric over a time period
      • Comparison: Supports displaying a comparison of the metric values between the current time and one hour ago, or one day ago