Application Request Log

Created:2024-06-01 Last Modified:2024-06-01

This document was translated by ChatGPT

Without the need to insert any code into the application, DeepFlow automatically generates request logs for all services.

Database table name: flow_log.l7_flow_log.

#1. Tags

List of automatically injected tags includes: IP, protocol, port, request/response fields, collection location, process information, cloud resources, K8s resources, and custom K8s labels. Detailed field descriptions are below.

Name DisplayName Description
_id UID
time Time Round end_time to seconds.
region Region
az Availability Zone
host VM Hypervisor Host running virtual machine.
chost Cloud Host Including virtual machines
vpc VPC
l2_vpc Forwarding VPC VPC where the MAC address is located.
subnet Subnet
router Router
dhcpgw DHCP Gateway
lb Load Balancer
lb_listener Load Balancer Listener
natgw NAT Gateway
redis Redis
rds RDS
pod_cluster K8s Cluster
pod_ns K8s Namespace
pod_node K8s Node
pod_ingress K8s Ingress
pod_service K8s Service
pod_group_type K8s Workload Type
pod_group K8s Workload Such as Deployment
pod K8s POD
service Service Deprecated,please use pod_service
resource_gl0_type Auto Instance Type Deprecated,please use auto_instance_type.
resource_gl0 Auto Instance Tag Deprecated,please use auto_instance.
resource_gl1_type Type - K8s Workload First Deprecated,please use auto_service_type.
resource_gl1 Instance - K8s Workload First Deprecated,please use auto_service.
resource_gl2_type Auto Service Type Deprecated,please use auto_service_type.
resource_gl2 Auto Service Tag Deprecated,please use auto_service.
auto_instance_type Auto Instance Type The type of 'auto_instance'.
auto_instance Auto Instance Tag The instance of IP
auto_service_type Auto Service Type The type of 'auto_service'.
auto_service Auto Service Tag On the basis of 'auto_instance'
gprocess Process
tap_port_host Tap Port Host Deprecated,please use capture_nic_host.
tap_port_chost Tap Port Cloud Host Deprecated,please use capture_nic_chost.
tap_port_pod_node Tap Port K8s Node Deprecated,please use capture_nic_pod_node.
capture_nic_host Host of Capture NIC
capture_nic_chost Cloud Host of Capture NIC
capture_nic_pod_node K8s Node of Capture NIC
host_ip VM Hypervisor The management IP address of VM Hypervisor.
host_hostname VM Hypervisor The hostname of VM Hypervisor.
chost_ip Cloud Host The primary IP address of Cloud Host.
chost_hostname Cloud Host The hostname of Cloud Host.
pod_node_ip K8s Node The primary IP address of K8s Node.
pod_node_hostname K8s Node The hostname of K8s Node.
k8s.label K8s Label
k8s.annotation K8s Annotation
k8s.env K8s Env
attribute Attribute
cloud.tag Cloud Tag OS APP
ip IP Address
is_ipv4 IPv4 Flag
is_internet Internet IP Flag Whether the IP address is an external Internet address.
protocol Network Protocol
tunnel_type Tunnel Type
client_port Client Port
server_port Server Port
tcp_seq TCP Seq
req_tcp_seq TCP Seq of Request
resp_tcp_seq TCP Seq of Response
l7_protocol Application Protocol
l7_protocol_str Application Protocol In string.
is_tls TLS
version Protocol Version
type Log Type
request_type Request Type
request_domain Request Domain
request_resource Request Resource
request_id Request ID
response_status Response Status
response_code Response Code
response_exception Response Exception
response_result Response Result
events Events
app_service Application Service
app_instance Application Instance
endpoint API Endpoint
process_id Process ID
process_kname Kernel Thread Name
trace_id TraceID
span_id SpanID
parent_span_id ParentSpanID
span_kind Span Kind From OpenTelemetry.
x_request_id X-Request-ID
x_request_id_0 Request X-Request-ID
x_request_id_1 Response X-Request-ID
http_proxy_client HTTP Client IP Real client IP before proxy translate.
syscall_trace_id Syscall TraceID
syscall_trace_id_request Req Syscall TraceID
syscall_trace_id_response Resp Syscall TraceID
syscall_thread Syscall Thread
syscall_thread_0 Req Syscall Thread
syscall_thread_1 Resp Syscall Thread
syscall_coroutine Syscall Coroutine
syscall_coroutine_0 Req Syscall Coroutine
syscall_coroutine_1 Resp Syscall Coroutine
syscall_cap_seq Syscall CapSeq
syscall_cap_seq_0 Req Syscall CapSeq
syscall_cap_seq_1 Resp Syscall CapSeq
flow_id Flow ID
start_time Start Time Unit: microseconds. Start time of request.
end_time End Time Unit: microseconds. Start time of response
signal_source Signal Source
tap Traffic Access Point Deprecated,please use capture_network_type.
capture_network_type Network Location The network location for capturing traffic uses a fixed value (Cloud Network) to represent intra-cloud traffic
vtap DeepFlow Agent Deprecated
agent DeepFlow Agent
nat_source NAT Source
tap_port TAP Port Identifier Deprecated
tap_port_name TAP Port Name Deprecated
tap_port_type TAP Port Type Deprecated
capture_nic Capture NIC ID When the value of tap_port_type is 'Local NIC'
capture_nic_name Capture NIC Name When the value of tap_port_type is 'Local NIC'
capture_nic_type Capture NIC Type Indicates the type of traffic collection location
tap_side TAP Side Deprecated
observation_point Observation Point The logical location of the collection location in the traffic path
biz_type Business Type

generate from csv file: l7_flow_log.en

#2. Metrics

Metrics list: throughput, latency, exceptions. Detailed field descriptions are as follows.

Field DisplayName Unit Description
request Request
response Response
session_length Session Total Bytes Byte request_length + response_length.
request_length Request Total Bytes Byte
response_length Response Total Bytes Byte
sql_affected_rows SQL Affected Rows Row
captured_request_byte Captured Request Bytes Byte For Packet signal sources
captured_response_byte Captured Response Bytes Byte For Packet signal sources
direction_score Direction Score The higher the score
log_count Log Count
error Error Client Error + Server Error.
client_error Client Error
server_error Server Error
error_ratio Error % % Error / Response.
client_error_ratio Client Error % % Client Error / Response.
server_error_ratio Server Error % % Server Error / Response.
response_duration Response Delay us If the log type is Session
row Row Count

generate from csv file: l7_flow_log.en

#3. Grafana Dashboard

Based on the aforementioned data, a comprehensive Dashboard can be constructed through Grafana. We have preset an 'Application - Request Log' Dashboard in Grafana, and the effect is as follows:

Application Request Log

Application Request Log