Business Definition

Created:2024-06-20 Last Modified:2024-09-23

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#1. Business Definition

Business definition includes the business name, the definition of data tables, as well as the definition of service groups, services, and paths within the business. Below is a detailed introduction on how to define them.

00-Term Explanation

00-Term Explanation

A business can consist of several services and paths. Services can be fully customized by the user and added to custom service groups; alternatively, service groups can be set up to automatically generate services within the group, corresponding to auto-grouped service groups. Paths are defined by specifying the access relationships of services. The following explains the above diagram:

  • Business: Mobile Banking Business
  • Services:
    • Independent services not added to any group: Frontend Load Service
    • Added to custom service group, Frontend Service Group: Operations Frontend Service, Financial Frontend Service
    • Services generated by auto-grouped service group, Midend Service Group: Rights Center Service, Search Center Service, Average Center Service, Payment Center Service
  • Paths:
    • Custom: Frontend Load Service -> Operations Frontend Service; Frontend Load Service -> Financial Frontend Service; Operations Frontend Service -> Midend Service Group (auto-grouped); Financial Frontend Service -> Midend Service Group (auto-grouped)
    • Auto-generated: Access relationships between services within the Midend Service Group (auto-grouped)

#1.1 Business List

01-Business List

01-Business List

  • ① Create New Business: Supports creating a new business. For details, please refer to the [Create New Business] section
  • ② Name: Click to enter the Business Details Page. For details, please refer to the [Business Details Page] section
  • ③ Star: Click to star or unstar, the list will be sorted by default starred + name dictionary order in descending order
  • ④ Service Topology: Click to jump to the Service Topology page to view the current business in a waterfall topology
  • ⑤ Service List: Click to jump to the Service List page
  • ⑥ Edit: Edit the business
  • ⑦ Delete: Delete the business

#1.1.1 Create New Business

02-Create New Business

02-Create New Business

  • Name: Required, business name
  • Data Table: Required, the data table from which the business data originates
    • To view the network metrics of the business, select Network-Path-Metric Data (xx). To view the application metrics of the business, select Application-Path-Metric Data (xx)
  • Metric Quantity: Depending on the data table, the corresponding metric quantity can be used
    • Supports setting up to 10 metric quantities

#1.1.2 Business Details Page

The business details page consists of Basic Information and Operations and Details List, where you can define services, service groups, and paths for the current business.

# Services



  • Basic Information and Operations
    • Basic Information: Displays the data table, metrics, and the number of services, service groups, and paths for the business
      • Click on the statistics to quickly switch the list below to the corresponding services, service groups, or paths
    • Operations
      • Edit: Supports modifying the name, data table, and metrics of the current business. For details, please refer to the [Create New Business] section
      • Star: After setting the star, it will be displayed first on the Business List page
      • Service Topology: Jump to the Service Topology page to view the topology of the business. For details, please refer to the Service Topology section
      • Service List: Jump to the Service List page to view the topology of the business. For details, refer to the Service Topology section
  • Service List: Information related to all services in the current business, supports editing and deleting
    • For example, Redis/DNS/Access Client/Stress Test Client are all independent services

04-Create New Service

04-Create New Service

  • Name: Required, service name must be unique within the same business
  • Icon: The service ICON displayed in Service Topology and Service List, currently selectable as Resource-Icon
  • Filter Conditions: Define service data based on filter conditions, supports bi-directional/uni-directional queries
    • Independently set client and server: If checked, use the client and server filter condition boxes for uni-directional filtering; if unchecked, perform bi-directional filtering
    • Direction: Define filter conditions for the service in different roles
      • Bi-directional: A single filter condition box for both client and server filter conditions
      • Uni-directional: Server and Client two filter condition boxes
        • Server: Filter conditions only as a server
        • Client: Filter conditions only as a client
    • For filter condition operations, please refer to the Query section
      • Group: Default is *
  • Service Group: Supports adding to custom type service groups, a service can only be added to one service group. For the definition of service groups, refer to subsequent sections
  • Metric Threshold: Can adjust the metric threshold for each service
    • By default, metrics are collapsed, click the expand button to expand and edit
    • When the metric quantity exceeds the threshold, the corresponding service display will be highlighted in red

# Service Groups

05-Service Groups

05-Service Groups

  • Service Group List: Each row represents a group of services within the business, such as the Frontend Service Group, which can include APP Access Service, Web Access Service. DeepFlow service groups can be user-defined, adding custom services one by one, or automatically recognized groups of services can form service groups.

06-Create New Service Group

06-Create New Service Group

  • Name: Required, service group name must be unique within the same business
  • Type: Divided into auto-grouped and custom types
    • Custom: User-defined, can independently select services to join
    • Auto-grouped: A service group automatically recognized based on the filter conditions set
      • Group: Can be grouped according to auto_service or custom auto-grouping tags
      • For Direction and Filter Conditions usage instructions, please refer to the [Services] section
  • Metric Threshold

# Paths



  • Path List: Each row represents a path where a service/service group accesses another service/service group. For example, Client=Service A, Server=Service B indicates that Service A accesses Service B based on the client filter conditions and the server filter conditions to query the path data.
    • Batch Delete: Check the checkbox to support batch deletion

08-Create New Path

08-Create New Path

  • Name: Required, path name
  • Client: Multi-select, options are All, custom services and auto-grouped types of service groups
  • Server: Multi-select, options are All, custom services and auto-grouped types of service groups
  • All: Indicates selecting all custom services/auto-grouped types of service groups